WSM Middle School is the Best in the Area

My son, Braden, is a graduate of the WSM class of 2021 and a current freshman at Saint Xavier High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. He received first honors this past semester and is an all-A student. He is involved in several clubs, after-school service hours mentoring elementary students, and plays rugby. I am so grateful I decided to transfer him to West Side for 7th and 8th grade because I firmly believe his success at Saint X is owed to his time at WSM. The transition to high school was seamless even with an entire move to a new city.
He is not the same student that arrived on his first day in August 2019. The two years he spent with Mary and Sarah truly changed him not just academically but he blossomed into a wonderful young man. For the first time, he loved attending school. 

The projects and activities alone are truly exceptional. The World War I trench activity, Immigration Day, the Speakeasy event, and their camp trip were all amazing experiences that the students cherish. The overall experience of the two years drove him to grow socially, find his voice, and become confident in who he is. He learned to organize his studies and plan his time appropriately. 

Academically and socially he flourished under their guidance. When he graduated he had every tool in the toolbox needed to succeed in high school and beyond. At parent-teacher conferences, his current teachers described him as “accountable”, “confident”, “prepared,” and “a leader”. They all communicated that Braden was one of the only freshmen who was good at annotations. (His freshman class has over 300 students.) 

My oldest did not attend WSM. Instead, she attended the junior academy of her then future high school. The contrast between the two could not have been more stark. I believe without any doubt that she would have been much more prepared for high school if she had instead been at WSM during those crucial years. At the time I thought her moving over would give her a head start on making friends and getting used to the feel of the school. Unfortunately once freshman year rolls around the friend groups all change with the influx of 100 plus new students. There was no benefit to the move and I wholeheartedly regret her not having the opportunity to have the same experiences my son did. 

Without a doubt, WSM Middle School is the best in the area. 

Read more about the Better Method and Amazing Outcomes of West Side's exceptional Middle School Program at
West Side Montessori is an independent, accredited Montessori school educating children 13 months through 8th grade (preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school). We are one of the leading private schools in Toledo and the nation.

WSM does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic origin, race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability in the administration of its admission policy, educational policy, or any school-administered program.