
Lower Elementary

Lower Elementary

Grade 1-3

Dr. Maria Montessori

"We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity."
Each Lower Elementary classroom has a mix of children ages 6-9 years old (grades 1-3).
Montessori teachers engage their students in the learning process by teaching them how to organize and take ownership of their work, make choices, and pursue their interests.

There is no regularly assigned homework at the Lower Elementary level. Teachers encourage exposure to enriching activities, active play, and plenty of rest at home as the best preparation for school success.

The sequenced Montessori learning materials and small group lessons allow teachers the opportunity to identify individual strengths and needs in order to mentor and coach appropriately.

The West Side Montessori curriculum is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure the school meets and exceeds State standards.

Lower Elementary Curriculum

List of 5 items.

  • Mathematics

    The hands-on, sequenced mathematics materials lead the children toward the abstraction of math operations and memorization of math facts. The measurement of time and study of geometry are closely tied to history and culture studies.

    Mathematics topics include:
    • Quantity
    • Numeral systems
    • Math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
    • Fractions
    • Money
    • Measurement
    • Geometry and Spatial sense
    • Data Analysis and Probability
    • Patterns
    • Problem-solving
    • Functions
    • Algebra Standards
  • Language Arts & Reading

    The Montessori language arts curriculum emphasizes grammar and sentence construction at this early age when children are developing their reading and writing skills and have a keen interest in language. Writing reports and sharing learning with other students through projects and oral presentations occur frequently in the Lower Elementary classrooms. Students record much of their work in journals so that reading, writing, and curriculum content are thoroughly integrated.

    The curriculum is divided into ten standards that match the Ohio English Language Arts curriculum including:
    • Phonemic awareness
    • Word recognition
    • Fluency
    • Vocabulary
    The reading process includes:
    • Concepts of print
    • Comprehension
    • Monitoring
    • Applications – informational, technical and persuasive text
    • Writing - applications, conventions, research, and communication
  • Culture

    Children study the formation of the universe, the earth and its solar system, the evolution of plants and animals, and the development of civilization. The perspective is respectful of all cultures and religious beliefs. Science experiments, the study of geology, history timelines, botany studies, and the animal kingdom all follow.

    The Montessori culture curriculum encompasses:
    • History
    • Social Studies
    • Geography
    • Earth Science
    • Life Science
    • Physical Science
    • Botany
    • Zoology
    • Health and the Human Body
  • World Language

    Lower Elementary students choose either French or Spanish to study for the duration of their Montessori schooling. Classes meet twice a week in small groups. A variety of resources are used to teach the culture and language. West Side students gain proficiency in understanding and speaking a world language as they progress through each Lower Elementary grade level.
  • Co-curricular Subjects

    Outdoor education, art, music, physical education, and technology classes are included in each child’s weekly schedule and are taught by specialists in each area of the curriculum. Co-curricular specialists often work together to plan student performances.
West Side Montessori is an independent, accredited Montessori school educating children 13 months through 8th grade (preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school). We are one of the leading private schools in Toledo and the nation.

WSM does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic origin, race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability in the administration of its admission policy, educational policy, or any school-administered program.