Exciting and Enriching Activities in Middle School

Despite the fact that I’m a senior in college preparing to graduate in just a few months, I still
reminisce on my days at West Side, and especially on my time in middle school with Mary and
I’m studying journalism and political science mostly because I love writing — a love which I
discovered during Language Arts lessons with Mary and Power of the Pen practices with my

Working on a semester-long paper on the disappearance of the honey bees and
presenting my research to the class as an eighth-grader inspired me to give a TEDx talk in high
school on a subject I also grew just as passionate about. And despite my long-time love for the
humanities, I was simultaneously able to explore my “STEM side” through activities such as
Math Counts and in-class pig dissection.

Perhaps one of my favorite aspects of middle school, however, were all the trips and outreach
activities that took place outside of the classroom. Visiting a local farm in eighth grade is the
reason my family currently has a raspberry bush growing across the back wall of our home, and
the memories I made with my friends during our annual camp trips, the Ohio trip, and while
visiting D.C. are still so special to me. While I’m not sure how the pandemic might have
impacted such trips, knowing West Side, any replacement activities will be just as exciting and

Leen Yassine
WSM Graduating Class of 2013
Loyola University Class of 2022 

Read more about the Better Method and Amazing Outcomes of West Side's exceptional Middle School Program at montessoritoledo.org/testimonials
West Side Montessori is an independent, accredited Montessori school educating children 13 months through 8th grade (preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school). We are one of the leading private schools in Toledo and the nation.

WSM does not discriminate on the basis of ethnic origin, race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability in the administration of its admission policy, educational policy, or any school-administered program.